6th Conference on Blockchain Research & Applications for Innovative Networks and Services


October 08-11, 2024
Berlin, Germany (In-Person)

  • Demo/Poster Deadlines

    • Demo/Poster Submission: September 2, 2024
    • Demo/Poster Notification: September 9, 2024
    • Camera-Ready Demo/Poster Submission: September 16,  2024
  • Technical Sponsors

  • Important dates

    • Paper Submission Due
      June 15, 2024 (Firm)
    • Notification of Acceptance
      July 15, 2024 (Extended)
    • Camera-Ready Papers due
      July 30, 2024
    • Conference Date
      October 8 - 11, 2024
  • Patrons


  • Submissions

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Call for Workshops

BRAINS 2024 invites proposals for workshops offering dynamic platforms for both academic researchers and industry professionals to exchange insights, present original research findings, and showcase practical developments addressing specific challenges and emerging trends within the realm of Blockchain Research & Applications for Innovative Networks and Services (BRAINS). 

The topics of BRAINS 2024 workshops should align with the overarching scopes of the main conference, reflecting advancements across all facets of blockchain-inspired computing and technologies. The decision on acceptance/rejection of workshop proposals will be made based on the overall quality of the proposal, its appeal to a viable fraction of the Blockchain community, and how it fits in with the conference.

Important Dates 

The workshops will be held with the BRAINS conference on October 8, 2024 in Berlin.

  • Workshop Proposal Submission Due Date: Mai 20, 2024 June 10, 2024
  • Workshop Notification of Acceptance: June 20, 2024

The specific dates for the workshop paper submission deadline, notification of acceptance, and camera-ready submissions are to be chosen by the workshop organizers. However, they should align with the CfP dates of the BRAINS main conference. 

Workshop Submission Guidelines (no more than 4 pages)

Prospective workshop organizers are encouraged to submit proposals, , to the workshop TPC chairs of the BRAINS 2024 Conference via email

Prospective workshop organizers are encouraged to submit proposals as a single PDF file including the following details via email  with the subject line “BRAINS 2024 WORKSHOP PROPOSAL”, to the TPC Chairs:

  • Organizers: Short bio and contact information, including affiliation, job title, postal address, email, and phone.
  • Workshop Content: Abstract, Motivation and Topics, Goals and Expected Results
  • List of Program Committee Members (tentative)
  • Call for Papers: Context, Topics of Interest, Important Dates, Paper Submission
  • Expected number of participants 
  • Workshop structure (keynote, invited papers, papers from the public call, expected selection rate, etc.) 

BRAINS 2024 is technically co-sponsored by IEEE and IEEE ComSoc, all accepted and presented papers workshops will be submitted for publication in IEEE Xplore.

  • Demo/Poster Deadlines

    • Demo/Poster Submission: September 2, 2024
    • Demo/Poster Notification: September 9, 2024
    • Camera-Ready Demo/Poster Submission: September 16,  2024
  • Technical Sponsors

  • Important dates

    • Paper Submission Due
      June 15, 2024 (Firm)
    • Notification of Acceptance
      July 15, 2024 (Extended)
    • Camera-Ready Papers due
      July 30, 2024
    • Conference Date
      October 8 - 11, 2024
  • Patrons


  • Submissions

  • Hosted by

  • Previous Conferences

  • Organized by

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